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Introducing Ndagaane: The forgotten village on the outskirts of Banjul
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Introducing Ndagaane: The forgotten village on the outskirts of Banjul

Ndagaane is the only village on the outskirts of Banjul. It is situated just after the dumpsite in Mile-2, behind the EFSTH Sanatorium. Our reporter was there last week to find out more about the village and its residents.

Ndagaane has been in existence since the early 1950s before the country gained independence from Great Britain. It was said to be established by a woman calledMba Fatou Njie from Badibu Kooba Kunda. It now has more than 100 inhabitants with twelve households.

Ndagaane lacks a lot of facilities such as electricity and toilets, and the residents have no access to basic education – only a nursery school.

The environment is polluted with smoke rising from the dumpsite. The houses mainly patched huts are vulnerable to disaster since they are located right on the river bank.

The living condition is very poor. The whole village has only one toilet that was built recently. Another problem that the villagers are facing is the absence of shops in Ndagaane. They trek long distances to buy basic commodities.

According to some of them, there is no access road linking them to the main Banjul highway.

They also said that for a long time they have been living there without running water. It wasn’t until recently when they managed to secure a tap that provides clean water to the twelve households.

Their children go to school in Banjul.

The rainy season is always a difficult time for the villagers. According to them, their houses are not that much strong to resist heavy rains.

The main source of income in Ndagaane is oyster harvesting. They sell the oysters at the Banjul Albert Banjul.

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