Here are the new pricing for Katchumeh Garden Estate:
Premium Plots:
30x20m= D220, 000No down payment (Open payment plan) for 36months
6,112.00Monthly for 36 months=3 years
D7, 335.00monthly for 30 months= 2 1/2 years
30 x 20m =D220, 000with 3 year payment plan 36months
D10, 000Minimum deposits
D6, 000monthly for 36months/3 years
30x20mCash payment =D200, 000
Executive Plots:
30x30m=D250, 000No down payment option (Open payment plan) 36months
D6, 945 monthly for 36 months=3 years
D8, 333monthly for 30 months= 2 1/2 years
30x30m = D250, 000with 3 year payment plan 36months
D20, 000Minimum deposit
D6, 572monthly for 36months/3 years
30X30m Cash payment = D230, 000
Project Facilities:
• Access roads from both main Highways
• Electrification
• Water supply
• Playground and a Park
• Community centre
Contact: +220 2177214 or email: [email protected]