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Why Gunjur is a great place to live
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Why Gunjur is a great place to live

Located in the southern part of The Gambia, Gunjur is one of the early coastal settlements in the Kombos. The community has more than 30,000 inhabitants with diverse and beautiful cultures.

The Kombo South settlement was home to some of the finest minds in The Gambia. The likes of Sheikh Hatab Bojang, Oustass Omar Bun Jeng and many others who had immensely contributed to the propagation of Islam in The Gambia.

With the extension of the rural water and electrification project , Gunjur enjoys an uninterrupted water and electricity supply which gives comfort to the mind and soul coupled with good road networks that make it possible to go to work in Banjul and come back in the evening without any hassle.

A predominantly Mandinka community, Gunjur is known for its hospitality (bunyaa) throughout the Kombos. This testimony is further manifested in the coastal settlement’s relationship with the outside world prominent among which is the Gunjur Marlborough Link which has been in existence for than three decades.

Gunjur has become a hub for many international visitors for its strategic location on the bank of the River Gambia and its immaculate sandy beaches which offer tranquillity as well as a taste of the delicious traditional dishes and fresh fish directly from the sea. And of course, a home to some beautiful bird species around a lagoon at the beach which serves as a centre of attraction to tourists and other visitors interested in bird watching.

Life in Gunjur is generally modest and the environment is so natural and serene with some very beautiful trees that not only provide sweet fruits especially in the rainy season but as well offer shade under the scorching sun.

The community has very little crime rate compare to the suburb settlements, a status quo it prides itself in.

In Gunjur, one finds the comfort of a truly unified and peaceful place to be throughout the day and night. There are stunning lodges far from the daily activities of the community where one can find comfort in whichever form.

And one important fact we can’t go without touching on is the sharing and caring nature of the people which is evident during eating times when one doesn’t have to rush home to eat as food is served for anyone present to eat.


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