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Could this be the reason why Barrow didn’t visit UK?
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Could this be the reason why Barrow didn’t visit UK?

During his recent tour of Europe, there was one notable omission from his travel itinerary: United Kingdom (UK).

According to a source, President Adama Barrow skipped London because he allegedly has a few issues to sort out with the British Home Office before he would be allowed to visit The Gambia’s former colonial masters.

“He once lived in England and worked as a security guard. From what I gathered, I don’t know how true it is, he overstayed his visa.”

If it is true that the president overstayed, he might require legal assistance to apply for visa of any kind to re-enter Britain.

Barrow during his first European tour visited Belgium and France. He arrived back in the country earlier than his foreign affairs minister, who proceeded to Great Britain to meet British government officials and members of the Gambian community. 


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