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How Dawda Jallow became a radicalised jihadist and ISIS fighter
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How Dawda Jallow became a radicalised jihadist and ISIS fighter

He was a delightful and hardworking young man who won a scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in Morocco.

What led Dawda Jallow to become the first known Gambian killed while fighting for ISIS continues to confound those who knew him during his days at the University of The Gambia (UTG) and Nusrat Senior Secondary School.

In an interview with What’s On-Gambia, one of his former friends revealed his transformation from a bright and popular student into a radicalised jihadist.

“His sudden transformation happened when he joined theTabligh Jamaat, locally known as Marakas in Bundung. He was regularly travelling with them for religious outreach (dawa).”

The former friend, who begged for anonymity, added: “He became so involved that he would tour the country for months to preach Islam.”

After completing his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management at the UTG and teaching for a while at the Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI), he left for Morocco in 2015 for his master’s degree.

When asked whether Dawda came into contact with ISIS while in Morocco, the former friend responded: “I think he made all the arrangements in The Gambia and to the Middle East for the training.”

According to him: “Dawda was from a small, loving family. He was the only son of his mother.”

Should the Marakass brotherhood be banned in the country?

Famous social media commentator, Alieu Bah said: “No, they should never be banned.  To use that analogy is to say we must ban Islam because people use it to destroy. The Tabligh Jamaat is a very peaceful movement that have a very deep and profound effect on society.”


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