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OPINION: If death does not discriminate, why are Muslim women not allowed to attend burials?
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OPINION: If death does not discriminate, why are Muslim women not allowed to attend burials?

There is no denying that Christian women give their departed loved ones a fitting burial ceremony.

They perform vigil, escort the corpse to the Church, and witness the solemnity of their interment physically at the graveyard.

Why are Muslim women not allowed to attend burial ceremonies?
Is there any Hadith in the Holy Quran barring women from going to burial grounds?

The undeniable truth is that death does not discriminate between males and females, the young as well as the elderly. We cannot go to Heaven without having to die and Heaven is not exclusively for one gender.

Does it make sense to have a common burial ground for men and women while denying those who conceived and gave us birth not to witness our return to Earth?

I would not be surprised to hear some with biased interpretations of the Holy Quran, but whatever teachings they want us to believe, witnessing a burial service could turn out to be a great source of comfort to any bereaving family member whether you are a man or a woman.

Written by Mayu Asku

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