Born and raised in Keur Sering, Sheikh Omar Touary is a driven young man who has a heart and passion for architectural technology and building construction.
After working for Gigo’s Construction for more than five years, he is now the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Green Light Architects and Builders.
In an interview with What’s On-Gambia, Sheikh Omar said: “My passion for building construction started when I was just 15. I used to work as a mason labourer during school holidays. After completing Armitage Senior Secondary School, I went to the Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI) to study Architectural Draftsmanship.”
The 25-year-old added: “After graduating, I was sent to Gigo’s where I was for six years. The proprietor Amadou Gigo helped me a lot.”
Shiekh Omar launched his company in 2016.
“Green Light Architects and Builders is new in the market. I have six employees and sixteen different categories of sub-contractors.”
When asked what advice he has for young people, he responded: “I will advise all young Gambians to stay in the country and work. It’s very easy to make money in the country if you work hard.”
Green Light Architects and Builders is located on Kairaba Avenue. You can reach them on 3537818/7619695