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In Bundung, mother-of-three abandons husband and kids for American semester
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In Bundung, mother-of-three abandons husband and kids for American semester

A mother of three has allegedly abandoned her teacher husband and children after falling for an American semester, who was recently in the country.

The husband, who begged for anonymity, revealed to What's On-Gambia: "We have been married for ten years with three children. I traveled to the provinces to visit my sister and when I came back I discovered that my wife was dating a semester from the USA."

He continued: "I accidentally touched her mobile phone and saw all her WhatsApp conversations with the guy, who also has three children in The Gambia."

According to him, his wife now wants a divorce and she has left their matrimonial home.

"I did everything for my wife. Just last week, I bought her iPhone from my small salary as a teacher. I went to her dad and he assured me that he would not dissolve the marriage," he said.

When asked if his now estranged wife left with the children, he responded: "Two are with me and the youngest one is with her. I will not let her take the children because I want them to have a good education."

The semester lives in Texas, USA and he is using the number +1 (903) 941- 7 (last three digits deleted). He refused to talk to What's On-Gambia.

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