A young woman from Brikama missed her flight while taking selfies for her WhatsApp status and Snapchat, according to QTV journalist Korka Jallow.
In a TikTok video shared by Mankajang Daily News, the famous entertainment journalist disclosed that the incident happened when iPhone 8 was the most favored model of iPhone.
“The flight left while she was busy taking photos,” he said.
Korka further revealed that the girl was left distraught when her last-minute selfie-taking ruined everything, leaving her grounded at the Banjul International Airport
According to the journalist, the girl was prevented from boarding and asked to pay a rebooking fee of 100 US Dollars.
But Korka refused to disclose the girl’s name, but said she’s from Brikama.
TikTok user Sadibou Dumbuya jokingly commented: “She can only be from Brikama, not from Brufut.”
Missing a flight is something that has happened to many people – even the best-prepared travelers. Depending on the sitituauon, you may be forced to pay fines or additional costs so that you can be put another flight.